
8 Live Virtual sessions with Faculty
In addition, Participants are expected to participate in virtual small group sessions, read assigned materials and watch video presentations.
Participation in all activities is required.

GestaltOSD Center Faculty:
John D. Carter , PhD bio
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry , MFA bio

This workshop is for individuals who want to enhance their self-awareness. Nine to twelve individuals along with faculty from the OSD Center work as a group to support individual personal growth and development. Special attention is given to the development of awareness and skills supporting effective interpersonal interaction. Participants will be introduced to basic Gestalt Organization & Systems Development theory, concepts and methodology. This workshop satisfies the Introductory Gestalt Workshop required before or during the program for all OSD training program applicants.

Fee per workshop: $1,595

Program Dates

Fridays 8:00am-11:00am EST (3 hours each session)

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2023
April 7, 14, 21, 2023

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.

8 Live Virtual sessions with Faculty
In addition, Participants are expected to participate in virtual small group sessions, read assigned materials and watch video presentations.
Participation in all activities is required.

GestaltOSD Center Faculty:
John D. Carter , PhD bio
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry , MFA bio

This workshop is for individuals who want to enhance their self-awareness. Nine to twelve individuals along with faculty from the OSD Center work as a group to support individual personal growth and development. Special attention is given to the development of awareness and skills supporting effective interpersonal interaction. Participants will be introduced to basic Gestalt Organization & Systems Development theory, concepts and methodology. This workshop satisfies the Introductory Gestalt Workshop required before or during the program for all OSD training program applicants.

Fee per workshop: $1,595

Program Dates

Fridays 8:00am-11:00am EST (3 hours each session)

September 8, 15, 22, 29, 2023
October      6, 13, 20, 27, 2023

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.

Faculty: Dr. Tanya Faude-Koivisto, Dr. Rachel Ciporen, Dr. John D. Carter, Dr. Veronica Hopper Carter, Dr. Marcella Benson-Quaziena

This advanced workshop is designed for coaching program graduates and experienced coaches who are interested in increasing self- and other-awareness. Participants will have an opportunity to build upon their existing coaching knowledge and expertise. Effective Use of Self, speeding up the process of change, and achieving desired outcomes will be supported by Gestalt Organization and Systems Development (OSD) theory, concept and method. This workshop is highly experiential. The 4:1 participant to faculty ration provides ample support for practice and instructive feedback to each participant.

Desired outcomes of the workshop:     

Use the GestaltOSD body of knowledge to:

  • Attend to oneself and others in ways that support change.
  • Enhance intervention skills and mastery of Use of Self as Coach.
  • Become more aware of Use of Self and of natural processes related to change in human systems.
  • Heighten awareness of how your own theory, concepts, methods, and ability to make meaning support or hinder your effectiveness as an intervener.
  • The GestaltOSD method focuses on bringing into conscious awareness and choice the client's exterior and interior reality in order to achieve desired outcomes grounded in personal coherence and satisfaction. This is supported by the ability of coaches to see themselves clearly in relation to others and by their skillful Use of Self.

This training will support the development of the following Use of Self skills.

  • Scanning the internal and external environment in a coaching engagement to understand how your own perceptions and relating style impacts your client's experience.
  • Gathering a wider variety of cognitive, emotional, and physical data in an interaction rather than relying on habitual modes of perception and meaning making.
  • Making sense of data utilizing the GestaltOSD body of knowledge.
  • Building on the existing coaching competencies participants bring to their work.

If you have questions, you can email Rachel or Tanya.

Fee per workshop: $5,400 (inclusive of lodging and meals)

24 CCE Credits (20 core competency, 4 resource development)

Date: March 22 - March 25, 2019 - workshop is required residential

Location: Chauncey Hotel & Conference Center, New Jersey

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.

Wednesday, 1-6:00pm; Thursday, 8:30am-6pm; Friday, 9:30am-1pm

Faculty: Marcella Benson-Quaziena, PhD and Veronica Hopper Carter, PhD

This workshop is designed for those who are involved in organizational work and interested in learning more about their personal and interpersonal competence. The leaders will demonstrate use of Gestalt principals and methods in an experiential group format, and support participants in exploring their interpersonal interaction skills. This workshop meets the Introductory Gestalt Workshop required before or during the program for all OSD training program applicants.

Fee per workshop: $725

Date: November 16 - November 18, 2016 - The Place on Larchmere

Location: The Place on Larchmere 12404 Larchmere Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44120

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.

Friday, 1-6:00pm; Saturday, 8:30am-6pm; Sunday, 9:30am-1pm
Leaders will be drawn from OSD Center faculty

This workshop is for individuals who want to enhance their self-awareness. Ten to twelve individuals along with faculty from the OSD Center work as a group to support individual personal growth and development. Special attention is given to the development of awareness and skills supporting effective interaction. This workshop satisfies the Introductory Gestalt Workshop required before or during the program for all OSD training program applicants.

Fee per workshop: $725

Based on the Gestalt Center for Organization and Systems Development's year long training program, this five-day intensive provides you with a combination of theory and conceptual presentations as well as practicum in which you'll practice your intervention skill and receive feedback from other participants and intensive leaders. The Gestalt Center's approach will enable you to develop yourself as an effective instrument of change, focus energy on solving the challenges at hand rather than solely working within a culturally preferred model, as well as create appropriate designs for interventions that consider the consequences for individuals, groups, and the organization.

Faculty will be drawn from:
Marcella Benson-Quaziena, Ph.D.
John D. Carter, Ph.D.
Veronica Hopper Carter, Ph.D.
Brenda B. Jones MS
Mike Rynex, MA
Isabel Wong

Location: The Place on Larchmere 12404 Larchmere Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44120

Fee per workshop: $3,300

Faculty: Monika K. Moss
Friday, 1-7:30pm; Saturday, 9:30am-6pm; Sunday, 9:30am-1pm

Learning Outcomes

  • Draft or update your life map
  • Get more in touch with your life’s purpose
  • Increased self awareness and clarity about personal vision and values
  • Practice at moving away from judgment
  • Discern blocks to your vision
  • Transform your thinking to be aligned with Universal energy and timing
  • Create a practical application and action plan for moving this work forward when you get back home

This workshop, Life Mapping: A Journey of Self Discovery and Path Finding, is based on the book of the same name by Monika K. Moss. Life Mapping is a life enhancing process that offers the participant an opportunity to own what they want and empowers them to begin to change their thinking in ways that remove blocks and obstacles through increased self awareness of their thoughts, words and behaviors. Participants explore the context by which those habits were formed and techniques to move through those blocks to their vision of their life style as well as fulfilling their life purpose. It is an integrated approach and practical application of many spiritual and personal development theories, techniques and skills with a base in Gestalt theory and practice. The retreat is about 80% experiential, 20% lecture. Participants will actually create their life map and a 90-day action plan as well as have an opportunity to work with the presenter and other participants in different configurations designed to enhance the process of self-discovery.

Location: The Place on Larchmere 12404 Larchmere Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44120

Fee per workshop: $725

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.

The Gestalt OSD Center offers a series of awareness- and skill-building workshops that will help participants increase their effectiveness in interactions and intervention designs in their organizations. The series is comprised of four 4-day workshops: (1) Working with Individuals, (2) Working with Two-Person Systems, (3) Working with Groups, and (4) Working with Organizations. Each workshop is self-contained; participants may sign up for single or multiple workshops as needed or desired. No prior Gestalt or OSD experience or training is required.

Who Should Attend
These workshops will especially benefit executives, executive coaches, consultants, mentors, managers from all levels of an organization, two-person systems, and groups and teams. Anyone interested in learning about self and others, and about working more effectively in organizations, is also invited to attend.

Program Schedule
Working with Groups TBA
Working with Organizations TBA
Working with Two-Person Systems TBA
Working with Individuals TBA

Fees excluding travel, lodging, and meals
Tuition per workshop $1,200
Tuition for the series   $4,400
Corporate tuition per workshop $1,000*
Corporate tuition for the series $4,000*

*Organizations sending two or more people to the same workshop(s) at the same time will receive a $200 discount per workshop. After applying and paying online, please contact Gigi Maganja at 440.205.8606 or at to confirm your eligibility for this discount.

Fee per workshop: $1,200

Open for Registration

Payment Options for OSD Workshops

We accept online payment via MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, or Paypal account (*Paypal is the authorized payment processor for GICOSDISC).

Payment by personal check or bank money order paid in US dollars and drawn from a US bank should be made payable to GICOSDISC, Inc. and mailed to: GICOSDISC, 7665 Mentor Avenue #316, Mentor, OH 44060 USA. Please include with your payment: Home address, phone numbers, and email, as well as the name of the program to which you are applying.

Registering for an OSD Workshop

Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please apply early to assure space availability.

Contact the Registrar regarding any problems with the application process at

GICOSDISC reserves the right to change faculty, program dates, and fees as necessary. GICOSDISC assumes no liability for expenses incurred by participants due to any changes in program dates, including nonrefundable travel and/or lodging expenses.

More Information - Refund Policy

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