Training Programs
Faculty will be drawn from OSD Center staff including:
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry , MFA - Co-Chair
John D. Carter , PhD - Co-Chair
Linda Robson , PhD
Veronica Hopper Carter , PhD
Rachel Ciporen , EdD
Tanya Faude-Koivisto, PhD, PCC
This program format provides an opportunity for individuals interested in the Gestalt Center’s world-class OSD training, developed over 35+ years, to undertake the experience in a weekend format, requiring minimum time away from work. The program includes 9 weekends, scheduled every other month and usually spanning two calendar years. Each weekend will include a Friday evening session, a full day on Saturday, and a Sunday morning session. Two of the weekends will begin earlier. The program provides individuals with the theory, concept, methodology, skills, and techniques for effectively intervening at the individual, two-person, group, and organizational levels of system. It offers individuals an opportunity to learn how to use the GestaltOSD perspective to develop themselves professionally, design interventions, and lead and manage change in the systems within which they live and work.
Who Should Attend
The program is designed for individuals with a master’s or doctoral degree who have demonstrated competence in their field, and who have a commitment to developing effective organizations, work teams, communities, and governing bodies, and/or to large-scale organizational transformation. Coaches, consultants and leaders will especially find this program useful. The program will enhance individuals’ ability to influence people and systems through increased competence and effectiveness in designing, implementing, and following through on interventions to achieve desired outcomes.
Curriculum and Methodology
Teaching methods are varied and include lectures, readings, demonstrations, fieldwork assignments, and small group practice. Feedback on a consistent basis is a critical part of the hands-on and experimental nature of these programs. Faculty ratio averages 1 faculty member for every 3 participants.
Our objectives include:
- Address the learning needs of individuals and organizations
- Learn skills to lead, manage, coach and consult to change efforts
- Influence people and processes
- Increase skill and capability to achieve desired outcomes
Our program focuses on specific skills, and is designed to enhance our participants’ awareness of and capability in meeting these skills:
- Discriminate among observations, interpretations, and judgments
- Develop greater awareness of one’s own internal and external experience
- Work with and recognize resistance in the client and systems with a respectful attitude
- Observe and attend to processes at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels
- Identify conflicts and choices related to interventions required at each level of system
Admissions Process
Admittance to the OSD Training Program Weekend Format requires a written application, and a personal interview either in person or by telephone. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $500. Due to the nature of the program’s design and operation, tuition will not be refunded for early withdrawal. A penalty fee may be assessed for a participant’s withdrawal following his or her acknowledgement of acceptance into the program. Upon completion of the program and full payment of fees, participants will receive a Gestalt Approach to Organization & Systems Development Program Certificate. Early application is strongly advised.
Program Schedule 2022-2024
Unless otherwise noted, sessions begin on Fridays at 6:30pm and end on Sundays at 12 noon
September 16-18, 2022
November 11-13, 2022
January 20-22, 2023
March 24-26, 2023
May 18-21, 2023 (begins Thursday at 6:30pm) *
July 21-23, 2023 *
September 8-10, 2023 *
November 10-12, 2023 (begins Friday at 1:00pm)
January 19-21, 2024
* Residential Stay Required (at participant cost)
Location - To be announced
Looking at Maryland, Washington DC and the West Virginia area
Fees (does NOT include room, meals or transportation)
Application (nonrefundable) $500
Tuition $18,400
Most workshops have enrollment limitations. Please register early to assure space availability.
75% of the tuition is required upon acceptance. The balance is due by the program’s start date. Refunds are not given for early withdrawal from the training program due to the nature of its design and operation. Requests for special payment arrangements may be addressed to the GICOSDISC Payments Officer.
Faculty will be drawn from OSD Center staff including:
Marcella Benson-Quaziena , PhD - Chair
Veronica Hopper Carter , PhD
John D. Carter , PhD
Rachel Ciporen , EdD
Duncan Coombe , PhD
Brenda B. Jones , MS
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry , MFA
Sally Parker
Michael Rynex , MA
The Gestalt Center for Organization & Systems Development Training Program was the first training program in the world to integrate Gestalt theory, systems theory, and organization development theories into a coherent curriculum in the field of organizational change consulting. Our perspective provides individuals with the theory, concepts, methodology, skills, and techniques for effectively intervening at the individual, two-person, group, and organizational and larger levels of systems. It offers a unique Gestalt OSD framework for designing interventions, managing change, and developing professionals in the systems within which we live and work. Current training programs conducted by the Center reflect an over 35-year evolution of concept application, teaching strategies, hands-on skill enhancement, and opportunities for both personal and professional growth. Our aspiration is that through increased awareness, knowledge, and skill, individuals can walk into a room anywhere in the world, containing any number of people, and make a difference with their presence.
Who Should Attend
The program is designed for individuals with a master’s or doctoral degree who have demonstrated competence in their field, and who have a commitment to developing effective organizations, work teams, communities, and governing bodies, and/or to large-scale organizational transformation. The program will enhance individuals’ ability to influence people and systems through increased competence and effectiveness in designing, implementing, and following through on interventions to achieve desired outcomes.
Curriculum and Methodology
Teaching methods are varied and include lectures, readings, demonstrations, fieldwork assignments, and small group practice. Feedback on a consistent basis is a critical part of the hands-on and experimental nature of these programs. Faculty ratio averages 1 faculty member for every 4 to 6 participants.
Our objectives include:
- Address the learning needs of individuals and organizations
- Learn skills to lead, manage, and consult to change efforts
- Influence people and processes
- Increase skill and capability to achieve desired outcomes
Our program focuses on specific skills, and is designed to enhance our participants’ awareness of and capability in meeting these skills:
- Discriminate among observations, interpretations, and judgments
- Develop greater awareness of one’s own internal and external experience
- Work with and recognize resistance in the client and systems with a respectful attitude
- Observe and attend to processes at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels
- Identify conflicts and choices related to interventions required at each level of system
Admissions Process
Admittance to the OSD Training Program requires attending an Introductory Gestalt Workshop or an Interpersonal Interaction workshop before or during the program, a written application, and a personal interview either in person or by telephone. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $500. Due to the nature of the program’s design and operation, tuition will not be refunded for early withdrawal. A penalty fee may be assessed for a participant’s withdrawal following his or her acknowledgement of acceptance into the program. Upon completion of the program and full payment of fees, participants will receive a Gestalt Approach to Organization & Systems Development Program Certificate. Early application is strongly advised.
Program Schedule
To be announced
To be announced
Fees (not including travel, lodging, or meals)
Application (nonrefundable) $500
Tuition $18,960
75% of the tuition is required upon acceptance. The balance is due by the program’s start date. Refunds are not given for early withdrawal from the training program due to the nature of its design and operation. Requests for special payment arrangements may be addressed to the Gestalt OSD Center President in conjunction with the GICOSDISC Payments Officer.
Faculty will be drawn from OSD Center staff including:
John D. Carter, PhD - Chair
Marcella Benson-Quaziena, PhD
Veronica Hopper Carter, PhD
Duncan Coombe, PhD
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry, MFA
Mauricio Puerta, PhD, LIC
Michael Rynex , MA
Isabel Wong , MS
The faculty has extensive experience in many areas of business, education, government, and human service organizations. They use Gestalt theory concepts, and methodology in their roles as consultants and administrators. They have taught, trained, and consulted in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America.
This dynamic one-year, five-module training program is designed for people involved in organizational change and large-scale organizational transformation. The program provides an introduction to and practice in the body of knowledge developed in the Gestalt Center for Organization & Systems Development programs. In five intensive sessions, participants will explore our overall model and theory base as applied to individual, group, and organizational levels of system. The program’s emphasis on change methodology and complex system transformation is a powerful awareness-raising, skill-building, and integrative learning opportunity with the intent of becoming more effective interveners in organizational contexts.
Curriculum and Methodology
This program helps participants expand their alternatives in influencing multiple levels of systems. The core program provides opportunities for direct work in skill development in a range of areas.
Participants will learn to:
- Discriminate among observations, interpretations, judgments, descriptions, and evaluations.
- Pay greater attention to and selectively share observations about what is happening in another person, group, or organization.
- Pay greater attention to one's own experience of feelings, sensations, and thoughts, and selectively share these, establishing one's presence in so doing.
- Identify, support, and mobilize energy in the client system as it relates to the emergence of themes or issues.
- Facilitate clear, meaningful, and heightened contact between members of the client system and between oneself and the client system.
- Recognize resistance and adopt a respectful attitude in working through it.
- Recognize when and how to heighten conflict and the expression of conflict, as well as when to diffuse conflict.
- Help the client complete units of work and achieve closure of unfinished business.
- Observe and attend to process on three levels of system, and identify choice points related to interventions at each level.
- Develop appropriate designs for interventions that consider the consequences for individuals, groups, and the organization.
- Cultivate one's openness to change and development as both a person and a change agent, including the ability to use failures and negative feedback constructively.
- Recognize and work with broad social issues as they apply, and appreciate, understand, and build upon one's beliefs and values concerning the process of change.
A variety of methods are used in this program, including demonstrations, readings, simulations, role-plays, fieldwork assignments, small group practice, and step-by-step skill building experiences. Participants will work with individuals, groups, and organizations in a laboratory setting, as well as with their own systems or clients, as part of the learning process. They will be required to develop learning projects outside the program, and they will receive consultation and feedback for these projects throughout the course of their work.
Admission Process
Admittance to the OSD Training Program requires attending an Introductory Gestalt Workshop or an Interpersonal Interaction workshop before or during the program, a written application, and a personal interview either in person or by telephone. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $500. Due to the nature of the program’s design and operation, tuition will not be refunded for early withdrawal. A penalty fee may be assessed for a participant’s withdrawal following his or her acknowledgement of acceptance into the program. Upon completion of the program and full payment of fees, participants will receive a Gestalt Approach to Organization & Systems Development Program Certificate. Early application is strongly advised
Program Schedule
Next date TBD
Fees (not including travel, lodging, or meals)
All fees are subject to yearly review
Application (nonrefundable): $500
Tuition: $12,800
Faculty will be drawn from OSD Center staff including:
Duncan Coombe, PhD - Chair
Veronica Hopper Carter, PhD - Co-Chair
Marcella Benson-Quaziena, PhD
John D. Carter, PhD
Mauricio Puerta, PhD, LIC
Linda Robson, MA, MPH
Isabel Wong, MS
and other OSD Center Faculty
The faculty of this program includes representatives from four continents, and the 150 graduates of the program thus far are spread across the globe. Representing work developed over 30 years at the Organization and Systems Development Center of the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, and elaborated in the cross-cultural milieu of the International Program for the past ten years, this training develops mature professionals beyond their already proven scope of accomplishments.
The OSD International Program offers professionals effective alternatives for influencing the systems in which they work. The experiential nature of the program design enables participants to practice new skills in observing, reporting, and intervening in organizational settings. The intensive, international-based training draws heavily from the Gestalt Center for Organization & Systems Development Program, which was the first to apply Gestalt principles to the field of organizational consulting and has maintained a reputation for exceptional professional development for over 30 years. The program has four major foci:
- The Gestalt Framework
- Developing Systems
- Designing Interventions
- Developing Professionals
Hierarchy of Program Objectives
- The Cleveland approach to Gestalt and organizations (including levels of system) is the essence of what we teach.
- Cultural diversity is the critical context within which we teach.
- Personal growth is an inevitable consequence of how and what we teach.
- Faculty process and modeling (how we are as we teach) is a crucial aspect of the distinctiveness of the program.
- International network building is a natural consequence of convening people.
- A shift in worldview is a likely outcome of the program.
Program Schedule
The program consists of five week-long sessions over the span of 16 months. All sessions begin at 1:00pm of Day One and conclude at 1:00pm on Day Seven. Each session will be held in a different country. Canada, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, South Africa, and Turkey are possible locations.
Next session TBD
Application (nonrefundable) US$350
Tuition US$12,550
Tuition includes the cost of all course materials. Transportation, housing, and meals are not included and will be an additional expense. At the time of acceptance, 70% (US$8,785) of the tuition is due. The balance is due prior to Session III.
There are no refunds for early withdrawal from the program due to the nature of its design and operation. A penalty fee will be assessed for those who withdraw after they have acknowledged their acceptance.
All fees must be paid in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank in the form of credit card, check, money order, or wire transfer.
You will be notified by mail or fax that your application has been received. You may also be contacted for an interview or to request additional information.
Our core belief is that the true worth of a coach is not measured by the set of skills or tools possessed, but by the ability to see oneself clearly in relation to others. Such clarity drives the individual to integrate systemic change knowledge and the synergy of working with others to produce powerful interventions for superior results.
The program is designed to teach the practice of coaching leadership and management using a Gestalt theoretical and conceptual orientation. Coaching theory, concept, method, and technique draw heavily from the Gestalt Center for Organization & Systems Development programs. Program participants will undergo self-evaluation, practice coaching, and receive feedback and guidance in the coaching behaviors needed for internal and external consulting. Teaching and practice will be targeted to support effective coaching interventions with individuals, groups, and complex systems. Participants will also learn to shape their coaching work to support learning, innovation, growth, and change.
The Gestalt OSD Center has been conducting training programs for coaches since 2002.
Curriculum and Methodology
Program participants will undergo self-evaluation, practice coaching, and receive feedback and guidance in coaching behaviors needed as an internal or external organizational coach. Participants will learn to use Gestalt theory, concepts, methods, and techniques to support coaching interventions with individuals, groups, and complex systems.
Who Should Attend
Professionals seeking to strengthen their coaching practice with individuals, two-person systems, groups, and complex systems in the service of goal attainment, performance optimization, and strategic development will benefit from this program.
Admission Process
Admittance to the OSD Training Program requires attending an Introductory Gestalt Workshop or an Interpersonal Interaction workshop before or during the program, a written application, and a personal interview either in person or by telephone. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $500. Due to the nature of the program’s design and operation, tuition will not be refunded for early withdrawal. A penalty fee may be assessed for a participant’s withdrawal following his or her acknowledgement of acceptance into the program. Upon completion of the program and full payment of fees, participants will receive a Gestalt Approach to Organization & Systems Development Program Certificate. Early application is strongly advised.
Program Schedule
Unless otherwise noted, sessions begin on Mondays at 8:30am and end on Fridays at 1:00pm
Next session TBD
Fees (not including travel, lodging, or meals)
Application (nonrefundable) $500
Tuition: $12,525
75% of the tuition is required upon acceptance. The balance is due by the program’s start date. Refunds are not given for early withdrawal from the training program due to the nature of its design and operation. Requests for special payment arrangements may be addressed to the GICOSDISC Payments Officer.
Veronica Hopper Carter , PhD - Chair
Marcella Benson-Quaziena , PhD
John D. Carter , PhD
Mwalimu Imara , DMin
Monika K. Moss-Gransberry , MFA
Michael Rynex , MA
This program emphasizes the theoretical base and philosophy of Gestalt work with groups, including personal growth, task, and special design groups. Background theory and concepts of group dynamics are presented from historical and comparative approaches.
Curriculum and Methodology
In addition to grounding in Gestalt theory and philosophy of working with groups, this program emphasizes:
- Strategies and interventions based on Gestalt theory, stages of group development, and level of system.
- The participant's personal and skill development in group participation and leadership.
- The participant's use of self as an effective intervener, with attention to his/her stage of development and style.
- Participants lead a personal growth group for Cleveland-area individuals for two weekend sessions in this intensive format.
Program Schedule
Next session TBD
Application (nonrefundable) $500
Tuition $6,550
Unless other acceptable arrangements have been made with our Payments Officer, all fees are due upon acceptance into the program. Refunds are not given for early withdrawal from the training program due to the nature of its design and operation.
Volunteer Clients
Witness how effective Gestalt group process skills are when applied in various learning and practicum settings. The Gestalt Center for Organization & Systems Development Group Intensive Training Program provides the local community with a unique venue for participating in a personal growth group experience. In groups of 8–10, volunteer clients are exposed to and learn from basic Gestalt concepts for facilitating group processes. At a minimum, this experience prospectively heightens awareness of one's personal presence and impact upon others and increases one's interpersonal skills.
This outstanding opportunity is open to all adults, and commonly results in a mix of age, sex, and race among client group members. Typical client occupational backgrounds include health care, social work, therapists of all categories, business owners, management personnel, tradesmen, and homemakers. All, however, are welcome!
The program holds two weekend sessions with client groups, running Friday through Sunday. As a volunteer client group member, you may attend one or both sessions. Session times are:
Friday, 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Saturday, 9:30am to 4:30pm
Sunday, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Your participation as a client in the Group Intensive Training Program is acknowledged to be a contribution to our students' learning as well as a learning opportunity for you. The nonrefundable client registration fee is set at a nominal $25.00. This fee may be waived for those (particularly college students) demonstrating financial hardship.
Volunteer Client Registration
Download the Volunteer Client Application Form. If a paper copy is necessary, please contact Gigi Maganja at 440.205.8606.) If not applying online, mail or fax your application form to: GICOSDISC, P.O. Box 1569, Mentor, OH 44061 or 440.205.8606. Include your $25 registration fee with your application. You may pay by personal check, money order, or credit card (see application form). Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. A limited number of registrants will be accepted, so be sure to apply early and to submit your registration fee along with your application. If you have questions, please contact Fannie Wright at or call Gigi at 440.205.8606 (yes, same as fax number). You will be notified once your application form with accompanying fee payment has been received and processed for acceptance.
Payment Options for Training Programs
We accept online payment via MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, or Paypal account (*Paypal is the authorized payment processor for GICOSDISC).
Payment by personal check or bank money order paid in US dollars and drawn from a US bank should be made payable to GICOSDISC, Inc. and mailed to: GICOSDISC, 7665 Mentor Avenue #316, Mentor, OH 44060 USA. Please include with your payment: Home address, phone numbers, and email, as well as the name of the program to which you are applying.
Contact the Registrar regarding any problems with the application process at
Registering for an OSD Training Program
A non-refundable application fee of $500 is required. (All fees and tuition are subject to yearly review.)
Complete the application form (Editable PDF) and submit via email to the Registrar at, or mail or fax your completed form to: GICOSDISC, Inc., 7665 Mentor Avenue #316, Mentor, OH 4406 USA / (001) 440.205.8606.
After we receive your completed application, an OSD faculty member will contact you for a personal interview.
Once you have been accepted into the program, immediately submit 75% of the tuition along with a statement of commitment. At that point, you should initiate visa application, update your passport, purchase travel tickets, and make hotel reservations. (The balance of the tuition is due by the program's start date, unless otherwise stated.)